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Once upon a time....the yellow crow | Gianfranco Asveri

Regular price€350,00 Sale price

Once upon a time....the yellow crow | Gianfranco Asveri

Regular price€350,00 Sale price

Gianfranco Asveri was born in 1948 in Fiorenzuola d'Arda, in the province of Piacenza. After graduating in technical-scientific subjects, in 1969 he chose to devote himself to painting, finding a reason for living in art. For years he has lived and worked at the Gasperini, on the Piacenza hills, in the company of his dogs.

After an initial period in which he expressed himself with a traditional figurative language, starting in the 1980s his painting took on a more instinctive and personal gesture, rich in color and matter, close to the expressionism of Art Brut. Representative of a highly instinctual and emotional pictorial style, Asveri attacks the surface with an overbearing and primitive gesture, which however allows it to coexist with other less perceptible expressive matrices, memory of artistic images.

With a deep and vital inspiration, Asveri's painting springs from the observation of reality: the animals that the artist collects and takes care of, with which he lives and loves above all things, to which he dedicates drawings, paintings and poems.

Defined among the 10 emerging Italian painters by the newspaper Il Sole 24Ore, he has obtained public acclaim in numerous personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.


Size 48x48

Drypoint and collography

Numbered and signed copy with certificate of authenticity.

NB the edition number could be different from that of the images, the copy you will receive will still have the exact same characteristics as those represented in this advertisement


Declaration of authenticity and description of the property (author, title, technique, dimensions, year of construction, provenance).

This declaration will be signed and certified by the seller.

Authenticity is an integral part of the work of art and based on the provisions of Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941, the right to authenticate the work of art belongs to the artist or the publisher, and the seller is required to provide this certificate.


We ship only with insured express courier.

One of the strengths of Arte Focus™ is guaranteeing an optimal service to our customers, with maximum transparency.

The insurance is included in the shipping costs and covers the entire value of the work.

You are 100% guaranteed against theft or damage that may occur during shipment. Before accepting the package, make sure it is intact and not wet.

Delivery time is 3 working days for Italy, while for Europe it varies from 4-8 working days.

Dichiarazione di autenticità e descrizione del bene (autore, titolo, tecnica, dimensioni, anno di realizzazione, provenienza).

L'autenticità è parte integrante dell’opera d’arte e in base a quanto stabilito dalla Legge n. 633 del 22 aprile 1941, il diritto ad autenticare l’opera d’arte spetta all’artista o all’editore, e il venditore è tenuto a fornire tale certificato.

Spediamo solo con corriere espresso assicurato.

Uno dei punti di forza di Arte Pentagono™ è garantire un servizio ottimale ai nostri clienti, con la massima trasparenza.

L'assicurazione è compresa nelle spese di spedizione e copre l'intero valore dell'opera.

Siete garantiti al 100% da furti o danneggiamenti che possono capitare durante la spedizione. Prima di accettare il pacco, assicurati che sia integro e che non sia bagnato.

Il tempo di consegna è di 3 giorni lavorativi per l'Italia, mentre per l'Europa varia dai 4-8 giorni lavorativi.

Solo alcune opere selezionate sono vendute già comprese di cornice.

Per tutte le altre opere è possibile scegliere la cornice nella sezione "CORNICI" del sito scegliendo la dimensione adatta alla grandezza dell'opera.


We ship only with insured express courier. One of the strengths of Arte Pentagono™ is guaranteeing an optimal service to our customers, with maximum transparency.


We have chosen to outsource online payment processing to Stripe and Paypal for their 100% secure services.


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